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The Haunted Graveyard

This spooky fun walk through a magical haunted graveyard suitable for all ages.

The Haunted Graveyard is a virtual reality adventure game made and published by Holospark. Meet the ghosts, explore their world, and learn their secrets. But you’d better keep moving — if you’re still in the Haunted Graveyard at midnight, you’ll be trapped here forever! The Haunted Graveyard is not a videogame. It is a fifteen-minute VR experience with light interactivity intended for new VR users.

Game Info

Release Date: 9 Oct, 2018
Developer: Holospark
Publisher: Holospark
Genre: Adventure, VR, Horror
Rating: 76/100

The Haunted Graveyard

Website of The Haunted Graveyard

System Requirements

Minimum Specifications

OS: Win 7
CPU: Intel® Core™ i5-4590 or AMD FX™ 8350
GRAPHIC: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060 or AMD Radeon™ RX 480

Recommended Specifications

OS: Win 10
CPU: Intel® Core™ i5-4590 or AMD FX™ 8350
GRAPHIC: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060 or AMD Radeon™ RX 480

Game Features:

  • A rich and beautifully haunting landscape that transports you to another world
  • Extensive motion-capture performances by professional actors
  • An original lush orchestral soundtrack composed by Winifred Phillips (Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation, God of War) and produced by Winnie Waldron

The Haunted Graveyard Trailer

The Haunted Graveyard Review

7.6 Total Score
Very Good

This is a short theatrical VR experience with great sound and voice acting. Amazing visuals, memorable experience, this app is perfect to get in the Halloween spirit. The whole thing takes about 19 minutes and it's enchanting throughout with triple A production values. The experience is just you moving forward and talking to the three ghosts pictured in a grave yard. It's a little light on the scary side, heavy on the campy side and the devs promise more to come. The entire world is beautiful, just VR perfection. From the scenic vistas, to the character models, to the animations. Kudos to the 3D model artists. Even the lips are synced appropriately to the dialogue. Check it out, but don't expect gore or gross out horror - it's not that kind of game...

Very Good
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